Using TreeGrid on HTML page

TreeGrid v3.4




Added <treegrid> attribute Session



Rewritten TreeGrid files section.



Added <treegrid> attributes Timeout, Repeat.


Creating TreeGrid by <treegrid> HTML tag


You need to include main treegrid script GridE.js and predefined styles to the page in <HEAD> section. If these files have another url, you must use the other.

    <link id=GridCSS href="../Grid/Grid.css" title="GridStyle" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
    <script src="../Grid/GridE.js"> </script>

Due compatibility issues, don’t use the !DOCTYPE tag with URL to switch IE to compliant mode. As this mode works only in IE 6.0+, it is not supported by the TreeGrid. See for more information.


Now include on the place where you would display a TreeGrid component the <div> or any other block tag. This tag is called TreeGrid Main tag. You can set style of this tag (background, border, etc.), but you must set width and height (in style) of this tag to any other value than "auto" to display TreeGrid properly. The Main tag can be also any server control to control this tag from server script, but always it needs to be a block (not inline) tag. You can also have more TreeGrids and Main tags on one page. All content of the Main tag will be overridden by TreeGrid content after document loads.

The Main tag can have absolute or static position.


Into the grid Main tag place <treegrid> tag, with attributes and children nodes specifying TreeGrid data source and other settings.


TreeGrid is created when document is loaded. It uses event body.onload. If you set event handler for <body onload=...> in html or by any script on page (window.onload) you must call from this handler function TreeGridStart( ) to create TreeGrids on page from tags <treegrid>.


If you have problems with communication with server, set Debug parameter to 3 to see server responses.


All treegrid attribute names are case insensitive, but attribute values are case sensitive!


There is simple page with a TreeGrid:

        <link id=GridCSS href="../Grid/Grid.css" title="GridStyle" type="text/css" rel="stylesheet">
        <script src="../Grid/GridE.js"> </script>
        <div style="width:100%;height:100%;"> 
            <treegrid Data_Url="../data/TreeGridSample.xml"> </treegrid> 


<treegrid> attributes

string Id [""]                         Id of the grid. By this id grid can be accessed from JavaScript as Grids[id]. This parameter can be also set in data.

                                               If the Id is set neither there nor in data, it is created default as “Table”+grid_index.

By this name the grid saves configuration to cookies, if two grids have the same Id, they share their configuration in cookies.

                string Session [“”]              Parameter identifies server session, this is not used on client, it is only sent to server in data in <IO Session=””> attribute

int Debug [0]                        For debugging purposes,

0 no debug information.

1 adds some formatting to the sent data as enters and tabs and shows error messages sent from server in new window.

3 adds formatting as in 1 and shows all data sent to and received from server in new window


<treegrid> data sources

Every data source has its own prefix before its attribute name (for example Data_Url, Data_ is prefix and Url is attribute name)

Data sources are loaded in this order:

                Text_                                     Default: Url="Text.xml" Start="Loading data ..." StartErr="Fatal error !&lt;BR&gt;TreeGrid cannot load"

                                                               Data source for all texts and language settings. This is loaded as first. This is required source, but you can keep the default value.

                               string Start           Message displayed when data are loading

string StartErr    Message displayed if texts have not been loaded

string ErrXMLFormat       Alert displayed if text file is not found

                Defaults_                             Default: Url="Defaults.xml

Data source for predefined values of all parameters in TreeGrid. This is required source, but you can keep the default value.

                Layout_                 Default: Method="Get"

                                                               Data source for grid structure, definitions and columns and usually fixed rows. If not set, you must include grid structure to <Data>.

                Data_                                    Default: Method="Get"

                                                               Data source for all grid data, usually variable rows. This is required source, you must set at least this source.

                Page_                                    Default: Method="Form" Xml="0" 

                                                               Data source for individual pages, when Cfg.Paging = 3 or Cfg.ChildPaging = 3.

Data_ in this case must return only fixed rows and page list without rows.

                Upload_                 Default: Method="Form" Format="DTD" Xml="0"

                                                               Destination for upload changed data from grid. Uploaded can be only changed rows. If not set, data cannot be uploaded.


<treegrid> data source attributes

These attributes can be used in tags <Text>, <Defaults>, <Layout>, <Data>, <Upload>

                string Url                              Url to connect to. From this url are data downloaded or to this url are data uploaded.

This url can url of static file to download or any web page or web service.

For download it can contain parameters for GET method (beyond the ‘?’). For upload it cannot, because the POST method used.

If set for upload, data are uploaded without form submit and TreeGrid Auto update option can be set.

                string Tag                             ID of tag (usually hidden input). From its attribute value are read data. When data are read, the value is cleared.

Or for upload to this value are changes written when submitting form.

This is alternative to Url and cannot be set both. For upload this must be id of <input> tag.

If set for upload, data are uploaded by form submit and TreeGrid Auto update option cannot be used.

When user clicks Save button, the input’s value is filled by changed data and form to which the input belongs is submitted to server.

When the form to which the input belongs is submitted by any other way, before submit, the input value is filled by changed data.

By default are data html encoded (&,<,> to entities) because of security validation in server scripts, you can change it by Xml attribute.

                string Data                           String with direct data for TreeGrid. It is alternative to Url and Tag and can be set only one from them. For download only.

                string Data                           Name of parameter where to store uploaded data or data of request. Used only when Url is set.

                string Format                       Format of uploaded data: “DTD”, “Internal”. See TreeGrid data formats. No short versions possible. Default is DTD.

                                                               Used for upload or for request.

                string Bonus                        String with direct data for TreeGrid. This data is read after main data in Url/Tag/Data are read to change some default behavior.

                                                               For download sources only.

                int Timeout                          Timeout in seconds. How long grid will wait for server response. Default value is 60 seconds.

                int Repeat                             Behavior when Timeout expires. 0 – alert, 1 – no alert, 2 – repeat with confirmation alert, 3 – auto repeat. Default is 0.

                string Method                      Method of upload or for download method of upload of parameters if data are downloaded from web service or page with parameters.

Soap” – data are uploaded in SOAP XML envelope. This is usual for communication with web services

                                                                              Form” – data are uploaded like form submit in format application/x-www-form-urlencoded.

                                                                              Get” – for download only, parameters are sent by HTTP GET method, in url string.

                                                               Used only when Url is set. Default is Get for download and Form for upload.

                string Function                    Name of SOAP function. Used (and required) only when Url set and Method is “Soap”.

                string Namespace               Name of SOAP namespace. Used only when Url set and Method is “Soap”.

                bool Xml                              For 0 are data encoded to string (& and <,> are replaced). The web service’s parameter is type of string.

                                                               For 1 data are uploaded as XML, the web service’s parameter is type of XmlDocument (or similar type).

Used only when Url set and Method is “Soap” or Tag is set. Default is 0.

                Param_                                 This is second prefix for other parameters to function, for soap or form parameter.

The value in this attribute is filled to function’s parameter named as third part of name.

For example: Data_Param_Test=”12” => to function parameter named “Test” is put value 12.

                                                               Used only when Url is set.




TreeGrid with all data and structure downloaded from static file, without upload



TreeGrid with structure read direct from string, data downloaded from static file, uploaded by form submit in hidden input GridData.

<input type=“hidden“ name=“grid“ id=“GridData“>
<div style="width:100%;height:100%;"> 
    Layout_Data="&lt;Grid>&lt;Cols>&lt;C Name=‘C1‘/>&lt;/Cols>&lt;/Grid>" 


TreeGrid with structure downloaded from static file. Data is downloaded from soap webservice, method string Load (string Grid), with parameter Grid = “Grid1”.

Data is uploaded to soap web service, method string Save (XmlDocument Data, string Grid, int Test), with parameters Data=”changed data in XML”, Grid=”Grid1”, Test=12

    Data_Url="../aspx4/TreeGridSample.asmx" Data_Method=“Soap“ Data_Function=“Load“
    Data_Namespace=““ Data_Param_Grid=“Grid1“
    Upload_Url="../aspx4/TreeGridSample.asmx" Upload_Method=“Soap“ Upload_Function=“Save“
    Upload_Namespace=““ Upload_Format=“Internal“ Upload_Data=“Data“ Upload_XML=“1“
    Upload_Param_Grid=“Grid1“ Upload_Param_Test=“12“



Recognized input data formats and methods


Remember, if you use XML web service function to generate data, this function must return data in return value and as string or XmlDocument.


Static XML file with root tag (or any other but only one) named <Grid>

This is standard response of any XML web service (independent on post method - HTML form or SOAP) if function returned data as XmlDocument.


XML SOAP envelope, with TIOData.Function. Data are in the tag <FunctionResult> as string.

This is the standard output of the XML web service, if function returns string and data were sent as SOAP XML envelope.


XML file with one root node with text. The text contains encoded data in string. Data to the text node is encoded by any XML parser.

Example: <?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8" ?><string>&lt;Grid&gt;&lt;Body&gt;...&lt;/Body&gt;&lt;/Grid&gt;</string>

This is the standard output of the XML web service, if function returns string and data were sent as HTML form.



Possible output formats and methods


Data are uploaded when are changed and are sent to server or when specific data are requested from server, especially when Cfg.Paging=3.


Method of uploading data


FormA standard submit as HTML form.

Data are sent as “application/x-www-form-urlencoded; charset=UTF-8.

This method is supported by most servers or XML web services.

Usually you need to set Upload.Data string to parameter name


Soap – SOAP envelope.

Data are sent as “text/xml; charset=UTF-8”.

This method is supported by SOAP XML web services.

You need to set Upload.Function to called function name and Upload.Data to function parameter which gets the data.

If you used namespace for your function, you need to set Upload.Namespace. Default namespace is often “”.

You can set attributes of Upload.Param to other parameter names and values to send with the data to web service function.

You can set Upload.XML to true, if function data parameter is type of XmlDocument, or to false (default), if it is type of string.


Format of uploading data


DTD – DTD compatible format

Use it if your data is in this format and you want to use easiest way of data updating. See DTD format and XML Upload.


InternalShorter and faster format

Use it if your data is in Internal or in any short format to use easiest way of data updating. See Internal format and XML Upload.

There is no possibility to send data in short format.

This format is used in sample ASP.NET service and in ASP.NET support objects.



TreeGrid files


All required files are in one directory. In default distribution is this directory “Grid\”. All files can be moved or renamed, but these changes must be registered. For every file is noted, where you have to do changes.

By default you must preset location for main script file GridE.js and style sheet file .css. All other files are by default searched in the same directory as .css style sheet.

All listed files are required, except cursor files.

All files can be changed or renamed except GridE.js.


GridE.js                Main JavaScript code. You must include reference to this file in <head> section on HTML page.

(<SCRIPT src="../Grid/GridE.js"> </SCRIPT>). Don’t change this file!

Grid.css                Cascade style sheet for TreeGrid look. You can change this file to change TreeGrid look.

                               How to change styles is described in TreeGridStyles.htm.

Remember, all other required files are searched by default in the same directory as this .css file.

You must include link to this file in <head> section on HTML page.

If you link more style sheets to your page, you must set TreeGrid style sheet’s title attribute to value “GridStyle”.

(<link href="../Grid/Grid.css" type="text/css" title="GridStyle" rel="stylesheet">).

Actual TreeGrid distribution contains four different style sheets: Grid.css, GridLight.css, GridBigger.css, GridGame.css.

Only one style sheet from them can be use at a time.

Grid.gif                 All images used in grid except toolbar images. Path and name you can change in input XML data, in attribute <Img Grid=””>.

Image extents are described in other attributes of tag <Img> in input XML data.

You can change these images to change grid’s look, but remember, if you resize images, you must change their extents in input XML data, tag <Img>,

also all images must have the same height and many images must have the same width.

Actual TreeGrid distribution contains three different image sets: Grid.gif (for Grid.css and GridLight.css), GridBigger.gif. GridGame.gif.

Toolbar.gif           All images on grid toolbar. Path and name you can change in input XML data, in attribute <Img Toolbar=””>.

DragOne.cur       Mouse cursor displayed when dragging one row or column. Path and name you can change in input XML data, in attribute <Img DragOne=””>.

DragMore.cur     Mouse cursor displayed when dragging more rows. Path and name you can change in input XML data, in attribute <Img DragMore=””>.

Help.html              User help for the TreeGrid. It is displayed after user clicks on ? button at control panel.

Path and name you can change in input XML data, in attribute <Cfg HelpFile=””>.

Remember, this file uses image files Grid.gif and Toolbar.gif in the same directory, therefore if you move this file, you must update hrefs in included styles.

Text.xml                Data source file with all TreeGrid texts and messages and language dependent constants for formatting numbers and dates.

                               Path and name or place you can change in input HTML tag attributes <treegrid Text_???=””>

                               This file can be loaded as static file or can be generated by web page or service or can be included in HTML page.

                               This file is for English language.

                               You can translate this file to any other languages and also return appropriate language file according to client browser settings.

Defaults.xml        Data source file with predefined values of all TreeGrid parameters.

                               Path and name and or place you can change in input HTML tag attributes <treegrid Defaults_???=””>

                               This file can be loaded as static file or can be generated by web page or service or can be included in HTML page.